Headwaters Wordsmithing

Writing for the actor, singer, and reader.

Birthed in the Northwoods of Wisconsin,  Headwaters Wordsmithing creates screenplays, lyrics, and books with an emphasis on faith in God...and a minor emphasis on coffee.  Make yourself at home.

On the Home Page you'll see an entry that says "Uncle Denny's Garage".  That would be the blog you are hopefully looking for.

In the Spring of 2012 I started writing an occasional blog about my experiences and insights that come with living in our small Northwoods town.

Inside the Little-House-On-The-Corner, my life has the company of the Wife and TechnoBoy, (our son who designed this website).  They help me keep tabs on the DAGU (our Daughter All Grown Up)  and help me put the day in perspective.

Well, most of the days anyway.

I've made the jump to this website and have the Garage parked under...yeah, you guessed it.

Over two years of the original Garage is still at uncledennysgarage.weebly.com where it was initially constructed. The Home Page there explains how the blog originally got its name.  Clicking on the Putzin' Page will get you to the stories from the Garage.  Be sure to check the archive and please feel free to poke around.  It's kinda fun.  I still do it, dusting off ideas and wondering what I was thinking.

I hope you enjoy the new Garage and if you have the time, take a trip to the old one.

Thanks for stopping by.

All content copyrighted by Dennis R. Doud. Website designed by Isaac Doud.